Monday, January 21, 2008

What is Happening at The Yarn Stash

Last Sunday was quite a day. We had two designers, Lisa Ellis and Sandy Payne, in who gave free demonstrations. Sandy demoed how to incorporate beads into our knitted projects and Lisa showed us how to do "twining".

Who knew there were so many things yet to learn as a knitter. One would think after over 50 years of knitting, I would know it all. Hardly. Both techniques that were shown Sunday I have never done, but I certainly plan to incorporate this into my future knitting.

If any of this sounds interesting to you and you would like to know more, both Sandy and Lisa have agreed to teach classes in our shop giving a more hands on approach to what they showed us in their demonstrations.

They say you are never too old to learn, so I am embarking on a new and exciting endeavor. Beth and I both signed up for the Master Knitter program. We are expecting our materials in the mail any day and we can hardly wait to get started. I suspect that I'm going to find out that there is a whole lot about knitting that I don't know, but when I get "really smart", stand back. I'll be a knitting fool.

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